Dear friends, always be a cheerful hunter (:

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Kuala Pilah, Malaysia
szehui,18.a student.I like to take pictures.I take organic cracker as my supper :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

being a human is exhausting?

feel depressed recently.without reason?maybe have, but maybe causes by every part in my life?friends, academic etc.

when the time recess, i can sit on my place without anyone calling for recess much i hope for my junior prefect won't called me down stair and just leave my classroom.and i rather
doing my homework in classroom alone.or maybe just because of myself?who don't wanna join my classmate...i just feel don't wanna join them?I had no idea about my mood~~ );
when recess time, i just walk along the paths in my school un-purposely and let's the god decide for me about who my schoolmate i'l be meet up and chit-chating until the recess time over.but, god treat me not bad too...along my walk, i had been met up many of my schoolmates even can chit-chat happily until the recess time pass 'flies' ~

Thanks god.(Omg, i gonna be a christian?@@) haha.having a nice day, my friends who viewing my post (:


  1. You better then me =.='' i always recess sit alone,walk alone.. Doing nothing,at class nothing to do.. No one to chat =(

  2. hey~you veiw my post aso d hor?><" happy neh~or you try to join them?><" btw, cheers boy :DD

  3. Mervin : Well.. I Not Same Line With Them,So I No Join Them Lor....
    Honestly Tell You,I Not Really Like This Year From5 People.. Not All Of Them Larh,For Some Reason I Dislike Them Is Childish..

    Hope You Didn't Mind What I Say,It's Kind Of Sad Letting People Ignore.. ='(

  4. mervin ar, time flies 1.ur form5 life wil be end soon.did you noe dat when u're happy, the time is pasting flies-ly than when u're down?anyway, cheers (:
